Why is There a Community Trust?
Gargunnock Community Trust Ltd. was established in 2005 to serve the residents of the Gargunnock Community Council area. It acts as a vehicle for fundraising and managing charitable projects that benefit the village. The Trust's objectives and powers are outlined in its Memorandum and Articles of Association. If you'd like to add something to a Trust meeting agenda, please contact one of the Trustees/Directors or email gargunnocktrust@gmail.com.
What is the Community Trust?
The Trust is a "company limited by guarantee and not having share capital," registered at Companies House (No. SC285574) and governed by Company Law. It's also a registered charity in Scotland, overseen by the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR No. SCO36793). Gargunnock Community Trust is a member of the Development Trusts Association Scotland, which supports local trusts in community-led initiatives.
What Does the Trust Do?
The Trust facilitates community projects in the village, including:
- Transferring the Community Centre from Stirling Council to community ownership.
- Securing the Glebe Land from the former Village Interests Group.
- Raising over £600,000 for Community Centre refurbishment.
- Negotiating ongoing benefits from local windfarm developments.
- Creating the Glebe Park with a footpath, trees, signage, seating, and picnic areas.
The Trust also manages village assets, supports projects, and keeps the community informed. Activities include:
- Managing the Community Centre.
- Publishing *The Bugle* newsletter.
- Maintaining the village website.
- Managing the flagpole in The Square.
- Holding a Lottery licence for village groups.
- Administering the Gargunnock Windfarm Fund.
- Supporting local walking and cycling path development.
- Running the monthly "Bite and Blether" café.
- Building connections with other organisations.
How is the Trust Managed?
The Trust is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, who also serve as Trustees. Currently, there are 11 Directors with one vacancy. The Chair's responsibilities are shared among the Directors. Contact the Directors at gargunnocktrust@gmail.com.
An AGM is held annually, open to all members and interested parties. It includes the presentation of financial accounts, activity reports, and the election of Directors. Public input helps shape the Trust's Strategic Plan, which guides its activities. Meeting minutes are posted on the village website.
Being a Member of the Trust
The Trust aims to represent the entire village, so it offers a membership scheme. Anyone living or working in Gargunnock can become a member for a one-time payment of £1. Membership is crucial to the Trust's success, as it demonstrates broad community support, which is essential when applying for funding or negotiating with external bodies.
To become a member, fill out the Membership Form and pass it to a Director with your £1. You can also get actively involved by becoming a Director, attending the AGM, suggesting ideas, or volunteering for Trust activities. Opportunities will be highlighted in *The Bugle* and on the village notice board. The Trust’s success depends on the community’s participation!
Trust Membership Form:
What is the Community Council?
The Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute by the Local Authority and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy.
Gargunnock Community Council is comprised of local people who are passionate and care about their community and want to make it a better place for all to live.
As well as representing the community to the local authority, we facilitate a wide range of activities which promote the well-being of our community. We bring local people together to help make things happen, and we strive to protect and promote the identity of our community. We advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes and cases of concern on behalf of our local community.
We are the strongest means of becoming involved with your local area. It will give you a good understand of the workings of local government and what is going on locally and nationally. All local authorities in Scotland encourage citizens to become a member of their Community Council.
The community council meets 9 times a year in the Community Centre at 7.30pm, and by Zoom.
Dates for the next meeting can be viewed below. A Stirling Councillor is usually in attendance half an hour before the community council meeting. All village residents are encouraged to attend meetings of the community council which are open to the public.
There are also places for young people. The minimum age to stand for election as a community councillor is 16 years.
Come along and make a difference.
Current Community Council
The area covered by the community council is the village of Gargunnock itself and surrounding farms and houses in the parish. The elections to the community council are a maximum of every 4 years and councillors are elected then, Gargunnock Community Council is entitled to have 9 community councillors.
Community Council Contacts:
David Millar Chair
Christine Phillips Secretary
Tom Jamieson Treasurer
Julie Cole Planning and Licencing
Lovat MacGregor Roads and Transport
Julie Cole Cycle Path Lead
Mike Buckley Social Media / Comms & Windfarm Rep
General enquiries: gargunnockcommunitycouncil@gmail.com
Click here for Individual contact details.
Latest Minutes
Community Council Minutes:
3 June 2024 (ordinary meeting)
December 2024 - Not yet available,
Community Council Archive Minutes
can be found here:
Meeting dates 2025:
All meetings are 19:30, in the Community Centre and usually also on-line. Detail of the on-line link is posted with the agenda for each meeting.
Tuesday 4 February
Monday 31 March
Monday 2 June - AGM
Monday 4 August
Monday 6 October
Monday 2 December
Gargunnock Local Place Plan
The results of the Local Place Plan survey are now available. Thanks to all of you that responded.
These results can be found on the village noticeboard or click here to download (PDF)
Latest Minutes
Community Trust Minutes: